Paintings - Abstracts, Expressionism
- Orient stained glass
- September 11th 40x40cm
- Galaxy 70x100cm
- Construction red 40x40cm
- Construction orange 40x40cm
- Construction yellow 40x40cm
- Box of treasures 20x30cm sold
- Secret 70x70 cm
- Cold stained glass 33 x 24 cm
- Winter stained glass 120 x 60 cm
- It is happening 80x80cm sold
- Horizon 100x100cm sold
- Construction purple 40x40cm
- Construction green 40x40cm sold
- Tranquil 80x100cm Sold
- Books of life 89x116cm sold
- Meditation 80x100cm
- Order in grey 100x100cm sold
- Song of songs 1 100x100cm
All paintings are acrylic
on canvas.
Contact the author
to buy, order or exhibit
paintings, please.